Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New db4free.net statistics

At the end of November, I activated Google Analytics to db4free.net, so now I have the data for a whole month which already shows some interesting facts about where the visitors come from, which browsers and operating system they use etc.

Very interesting is the Geo Map Overlay:

db4free.net Overlay Dec. 2006

This is based on 5,736 visitors. The total number of pageviews is 21,854.

2,831 visitors used the Internet Explorer - 2,210 of them version 6.0 and 601 used version 7.0, 20 used an older version.

2,303 visitors used Firefox - 1,454 used Firefox 2.0 and 742 used Firefox 1.5 (and the rest older versions).

434 visitors used Opera.

The use of operating systems splits up as follows: 5,402 visitors use Windows (4,929 of them Windows XP), 235 use Linux and 85 MacOS.

1,014 new users registered for a new account in December, which means that in average every 5th to 6th visitor creates a new account.

And last but not least - the number of total db4free.net users as of now according to my own statistics is 5,966 and the total number of visitors since its beginning is 73,182.

New MySQL related HowTo available

I just found this new HowTo at www.howtoforge.org:


It describes how to set up a secure tunnel between your MySQL Server and a locally running MySQL Administrator using Putty. I haven't tried it out myself, but I strongly assume that this works for all the other GUI tools as well.