Monday, March 31, 2008 now offers MySQL 5.1 *and* MySQL 6.0

It has been pretty quiet about for some time, but now there are news. now offers MySQL 6.0 database accounts - in addition to the old (and I'm tempted to even say tested) MySQL 5.1 ones.

So - everybody who registers gets 2 databases, one on the MySQL 5.1 server and one on the MySQL 6.0 server, which runs at port 3307. Connections can be made using the MySQL client running the command

mysql -h -P 3307 -u [username] -p[password]

or using phpMyAdmin, right from the website.

Users who have set their accounts to allow remote connections can also use tools like the MySQL GUI Tools or MySQL Workbench.

Curious about what MySQL 6.0 has new to offer? Check out

Your feedback about MySQL 6.0 is much appreciated. Please send them to or post in the forum.

Have fun and enjoy diving into the new MySQL 6.0!


Sheeri K. Cabral said...

Awesome, Markus! Long time no hear.....hope all is well!

Markus Popp said...

Hey Sheeri! I moved a bit out of the spotlight, but I'm still here, still alive and still 100 % MySQL.

See you in 2 weeks :)!

Anonymous said...

Markus, this is a great service you're offering. Keep up the good work!

Markus Popp said...

Hi Carsten! It's great to hear from you, I hope you're doing fine. Say my hello to your wife and kids.