Thursday, December 15, 2005

Language specific website

This time, I have a little critisism, or let's say, suggestions for improvement, for the website.

Since a few days ago, I find some contents on in German (you know, I'm Austrian) that I used to get in English. In general, I think it's good to provide the website in the language of the country that the user comes from. Translating the website to other languages than English provides information to many more people, so it's of course a good thing.

But what I don't like so much about it is that I don't find an (easy?) way to switch the translated contents to English, if I want to. Even if I enter the website through the URL, I get some contents only in German, where I had to enter before to get German contents. Also that would not be so bad, but what I'd like to suggest is to provide buttons, or a drop down field, to make it possible to select the desired language.

In fact, there are some contents on that I would rather like to see in English than in German, so I hope that it's possible to provide an easy way to make the language selectable to everybody (however, I do support the idea to set the default to the corresponding language of the visitor's country).

1 comment:

Markus Popp said...

I have been contacted by MySQL Web Manager Eric Braswell. He informed me that they are currently working on making it possible to select the language from a drop down menu :-).