Monday, November 07, 2005


I have written a little Java program that parses an Apache Log file and stores its content in a MySQL database.

The program is published under the General Public License and can be downloaded from You can download the source code at and find the ReadMe file at In this ReadMe file you will find all details about the limitations and the features that are planned in the future.

You can also find all the information on my website at

The program runs at all platforms that have the Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0 or higher installed. It can be started from the console with following command:
java -jar ApacheLog2MySQL.jar [filename] [host] [user]
[password] [database]

The program is very basic at the moment, but I plan to extend its features, so it might become a great little tool to analyze the Apache log. Please refer to the ReadMe file to get more detailed information about where the program is still limited and which features I plan to implement.

Feel free to try the program, modify it, give me feedback and let me know your thoughts about this little tool.

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